Welfare and Support

We hope that all community members feel valued, included, involved, supported and supportive of one another.  As people pass through different life events and experiences they may need different types and amounts of support.  Please be in touch with BES Cares in the first instance to access support.  Please see particular areas of support below:

Our Rabbinic team, alongside Chana, can help provide emotional support for couples going through fertility challenges.

Stillbirth/Baby Loss
If you have suffered a stillbirth or baby loss, please be in touch with our Rabbinic team or BES Cares team to get help through this difficult time and ensure you and your partner are emotionally and spiritually supported.

Domestic/Sexual Violence
Every person has the right to feel safe and protected. Jewish Women’s Aid is the specialist organisation in the UK supporting Jewish women and children affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.  Please get in touch with them if you are affected – no woman should have to face it alone.

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